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Από 18
Οι ακόλουθες σελίδες προορίζονται μόνο για ενήλικες. Με την είσοδο επιβεβαιώνετε ότι είστε τουλάχιστον 18 ετών.
After trying both water and fat-based creams - this tops them all. As promised, it comes in a very nice-looking package with a cap on the outside and on the inside, so no chance of it being pressed by mistake and spilling. The cream is scent-less, which is a very nice advantage, especially over fat-based creams. It has a very nice thickness to it, and when applied stayed on and kept the gliding action going non-stop till I came. The orgasms with this baby are ORGASMS, especially since you can keep going all the way and squeeze your sperm till the last drop. Powerful, intense, fun! comes off quickly with either a quick wash, or even just a wipe with some TP, if washing isn't an option. Indeed 5/5 and well deserved.
Prima Creme zum Fisten!! Hat eine längere "Haltbarkeit" als Gel. Den höheren Reinigungsaufwand nehm ich gerne in Kauf zudem siehtst beim Fisten geil aus. Geht aber danach mit warmen Wasser und etwas Duschgel gut ab.
Voici un bon lubrifiant sans odeur, assez glissant qui reste longtemps sur vos jouets et muqueuses. Le nettoyage est très facile et il ne fait aucune trace sur les tissus. Bravo, on recommande. En revanche, on a aussi la version creme qui est beaucoup moins lubrifiante (agréable tout de même) mais qui peut laisser des taches sur les tissus et qui se nettoye beaucoup moins bien. En revanche elle reste assez bien sur les jouet mais aussi et surtout sur les doigts.
Spedizione puntualissima. Ero scettica perché dalle foto non sembra di qualità ma alla fine ho deciso di comprarlo e provare. Ed è andata benissimo! È bellissimo! Il colore risulta brillante! L’effetto è molto sexy. Ne comprerò sicuramente un altro anche per il rapporto qualità / prezzo. Consigliato!!!!!
For many years, Crisco is the number one lubricant for fisting, insertion and use for the larger sex toys. As a fat-based product you can expect a very high sliding factor! Crisco also very quickly adapts to the body temperature.