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Από 18
Οι ακόλουθες σελίδες προορίζονται μόνο για ενήλικες. Με την είσοδο επιβεβαιώνετε ότι είστε τουλάχιστον 18 ετών.
This arrived last week, and has been played with 5 or 6 times. The sensation is very pleasant. I do two different things with this - one is to push it in as far as it will go (this does not get near you bladder if you are a guy) pump till you feel it, before it hurts, and then slowly pull it all the way out. The second is to push it all the way in and pump as much as you can handle. Deflate. Move it out a centimeter and pump again. Deflate again and so on until the balloon pops out of your cock. My only criticism is that balloon inflates in a very uneven way - inflated outside the urethra it bends at 90 degrees. I don't think it will do that when in the urethra but it makes me wonder about Quality Control and longevity.
Der Eichelring betont die Eichel des Mannes besonders gut, während die Spermabremse ein gutes Gefühl im Inneren der Eichel auslöst. Bei eintretender Erektion unterstützt die Ring die besonders pralle Füllung der Eichel. Beim Abspritzen ist die Spermabremse das gefühlssteigernde Moment.
I was dubious about this at first. I thought is was a 100% no-no to pump air into the bladder. Sterile saline or water is fine, but you still have to be very hygienic. But having read all about it and knowing the limitations I have used this three times since last week. You don't actually have to push this in very far. It is just the air pressure from squeezing the bulb that moves air when it has nowhere else to go. When filling the bladder, it is kind of tickling deep inside - really good. But the best is when you late the air go - it kind of rattles the inside of your urethra and makes the most amazing fart noises!! After an evening session I do find a little residual air in the bladder, which either comes out a little later or first thing in the a.m. The farts produce lots of frothy bubbles.
Cette sonde est un très beau jouet qui vient en complément de la sonde Érection du matin et de la sonde Étireur de pénis ! Elle porte bien son nom de baguette magique et vous emmène au 7ème ciel en très peu de temps. Je vous la conseil vivement.
Der Tailbone Penis Plug Sound mit Ring ist richtig gut verarbeitet. Das Einführen mit Gleitmittel ist ein herrliches Gefühl, zu spüren wenn er immer tiefer in dich eindringt.
Das geht mal gut in die Tiefe! Sehr geiles Teil, aber sicher nichts für Unerfahrene. Immer Gleitgel verwenden und langsam vortasten - dann hat man jede Menge Spaß damit!