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Από 18
Οι ακόλουθες σελίδες προορίζονται μόνο για ενήλικες. Με την είσοδο επιβεβαιώνετε ότι είστε τουλάχιστον 18 ετών.
The realm of pleasure this thing opens up is... well, you've got
I have to share this - a few days ago I received a remarkable new toy, the stainless steel penis plug, right here in Birmingham. It was shipped to me in just two days from MEO Germany and I have to give credit to their customer service; simply outstanding. If you've ever considered urethral play, or if you're already a fan, you really need to try this plug.
Why am I so excited about this particular penis plug? It's the design. Made from stainless steel (my personal favourite for its smooth surface and ease of sterilization), this penis plug has a conical shape. It starts narrow and then gradually widens, allowing for controlled urethral dilation. Plus, there are laser markings that mark the different diameters - perfect for keeping track of your training progress.
Trust me, this is not just for the thrill-seekers. Medical reasons aside, urethral stimulation is surprisingly erotic. It's like exploring a whole new world of sexual pleasure. This penis plug can be an amazing addition to your sexual routine, and if you're into BDSM, it's a perfect fit.
So if you're ready to explore new frontiers in your sexual adventures, give this Penis Plug a try. It's a game changer, trust me. Safe, intense and with a unique design, it's destined to become your best training partner. I, for one, am eager to continue my journey with this extraordinary playmate. The realm of pleasure this thing opens up is... well, you've got to try it to understand!
Ein hautenger Traum. Paßt mir perfekt. Das Material ist sehr schön. Mein Schatz war begeistert davon und wir lieben diese Haube. Preis und Leistung sind Top. Lieferung sehr schnell und diskret. Kann man echt weiterempfehlen.
Ottimo stimolatore prostatico che si adatta bene alla situazione :-) Consigliato anche come prodotto senza l'utilizzo dell'elettro stimolatore (anche se, a mio avviso, in questo caso necessiterebbe di una vibrazione autonoma per essere il top)
Schlanke und auch etwas dickere Penisplugs habe ich mir schon erfolgreich und voller Lust eingeführt. Allerdings bin ich nur bis ca. 70 mm tief eingedrungen. Das Spektrum der angebotenen Durchmesser und die große Länge dieses Penisplugs bieten bisher unbekannte Dehnungs- und Tiefenerlebnisse. Wenn man die Eichel am Plug oder umgekehrt ansetzt, durchströmen einen geile Schauer.